Friday, May 3, 2024

Friendly Fill-Ins and the Queen of the World

Hello, friends! We're ready for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, and we'd love for you to join us. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two fill-in statements, and I came up with the second two.

1. I _________ but not _________.

2. Just because I _________ doesn't mean _________.

3. Am I the only one who _________?

4. I used to _________, but then I learned _________.

My answers are below in bold. Apparently I was hungry while filling these in, as all but one of my answers is about food or drink.

1. I love fruits but not veggies.
(I eat multiple kind of fruit every single day. I usually have blueberries and/or strawberries in oats for breakfast, a banana for snack, some grapes for lunch, and that sort of thing. I have to force myself to eat veggies, though. I do like peas and corn, so I will throw those in with lunch often. If I take the time to bake or steam carrots, I do like those, but raw carrots are not my thing. The short story is that I need to be the adult I am and just eat my veggies like a big girl.)

2. Just because I love animals doesn't mean I'm a veterinarian.
(Let me explain. I love animals, obviously. I also have a BS degree in animal sciences, and I worked at a cat clinic for a couple of years nearly a decade ago. Because of all that, I regularly have family and even just acquaintances asking me questions or for advice that really needs to be directed to a vet. I am happy to discuss my experience and give my two cents here and there on things in general, but I have some extended family members and even neighbors who will ask me things like why their dog is having some rather severe symptoms, and when I tell them a vet visit is absolutely warranted, they don't like that answer. They usually cite financial reasons. I understand the economy is not a fun thing right now, and I sympathize with that, but that's not going to change my opinion that a sick animal needs to be seen by a vet.)

3. Am I the only one who doesn't drink coffee?
(I've mentioned here before that I don't enjoy coffee and so don't drink it. I've even tried all sorts of additions to coffee to see if I like it with milk or sugar or chocolate or caramel and that sort of thing, but that bitter coffee taste always takes over and turns me off. I've had people act shocked that I don't like coffee, but I know I'm not the only one. Right?)

4. I used to rarely eat potatoes, but then I learned how to prepare them.
(For some reason, potatoes were a food I just never took the time to learn how to properly prepare. Awhile back I found myself hungry for them, though, and I wanted more than the instant version. So, I asked my mom for some tips, and now I regularly make myself baked fries, potato wedges, mashed potatoes, and all that spud jazz.)

Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.

You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.


Now, who's ready for your Eddy fix? All of you? Of course you are. Today, you get a strange view of Eddy, but it's her way of demonstrating how she's queen of the world. Or at least queen of the cat tree.

Happy Friday, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

We already gave a tip on the importance of keeping up with parasite preventatives, especially as the weather warms up. Similarly to this, also make sure that your kitty or pup is up-to-date with vaccines for diseases that might affect them. If spring weather means that your furbaby will be venturing outside more, interacting with other dogs and cats, or even potentially coming into contact with wildlife, then keep this in mind when it comes to vaccinations.

For example, feline calicivirus is a respiratory disease that can be somewhat easily passed from cat to cat. Canine distemper is a similar disease in dogs, affecting the respiratory and gastrointestinal systems, and being passed through direct contact between dogs or their secretions. There are vaccinations against both of these diseases, as well as other diseases, that could prevent sickness in furbabies at risk of contracting them. This is especially something to consider if your cat or dog will indeed be coming into contact with an environment or animals that might put them at risk of sickness.

There is often debate over the necessity of certain vaccinations. The important thing is to weigh out the options and risk factors. Is your cat or dog going to be traveling or boarding somewhere with other animals? If so, vaccines might perhaps be wise to prevent them from contracting anything, which is why many boarding facilities will require certain vaccinations. Of course, you also have to take your furbaby's overall health status into consideration before vaccinating them. This is when it is important to discuss all circumstances and options with your veterinarian, to discuss the safest, most healthy option for your kitty or pup.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Thankful Thimble Thursday

It's Thursday, and you better believe Thimble is here for Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

Today, Thimble is grateful for a couple of different things. She's grateful for sunshine, windows from which to enjoy said sun, and her adorably huge ears that make it easy for her to hear everyone tell her how cute she is.

Thimble and all of us here wish you a wonderful day!


And now we have for you the fill-in statements for tomorrow's Friendly Fill-Ins challenge. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two, and I came up with the second two.

1. I _________ but not _________.

2. Just because I _________ doesn't mean _________.

3. Am I the only one who _________?

4. I used to _________, but then I learned _________.

We'll see you tomorrow, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

Yesterday's spring safety tip was about taking precautions around potentially dangerous products during any spring cleaning. In addition to spring cleaning, home renovations and other similar projects are often tackled this time of year. If you are planning any home renovations during the spring months, or any time of the year, keep in mind that some paints, varnishes, and other such products can indeed be toxic to our furbabies if ingested. The fumes of such products can also of course pose risks. Renovations and the like might also mean the arrival of bits and bobs such as nails and screws, which of course can be dangerous if ingested or if stepped on by furbaby paws. There are any number of dangerous items that might be involved in home renovations or other such projects, so always keep this in mind with regard to your furbaby. Block their access to dangerous areas, and keep all dangerous items tucked out of reach when not in use.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Adventures with Astrid at the Creek

We've mentioned before how we have a creek that runs through our neighborhood, and walks with pup Astrid often take us by and over it. Today, Astrid wanted you all to see one of the admittedly slightly less pretty views of the creek.

Astrid has some much prettier creek shots to share soon, so she thought she'd start with this one. Nature is rarely ugly, but this region of the creek is just simply not the prettiest it has to offer. It's still nice and peaceful, though, and Astrid also also thinks it has some rather tasty grass to offer.

Happy Wednesday, friends!

Flashback Doodle of the Day

Tip of the Day

Today's spring safety tip is all about that spring cleaning. In our series for Pet Poison Prevention Month, we gave some tips on household items that can potentially be toxic to our furbabies, such as if ingested. Some of these dangerous products are, of course, household cleaners. Various detergents, for example, can be very caustic or can contain toxins. This is why, if you are planning on doing some spring cleaning around your home, always think ahead and take your furbaby's health and safety into consideration.

As needed, block your kitty or pup from the rooms you are cleaning, such as with closed doors or baby gates. What's more, when cleaning products are not in use, store them safely out of reach, where curious paws cannot reach them. It is true that some household cleaners are dangerous while others are not, but if you are in any way unsure of a product's safety, err on the side of caution, assume it is dangerous, and keep it away from those furbabies while you spring clean.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

A Birthday Girl and the Letter Z

First and foremost for today's post...


My girl Eddy is turning 9 years old today. I can't believe it. She's an active little lady, as well as very vocal. You know that saying about sugar and spice? That's Eddy. She's sweet like sugar, but she's also got a lot of spicy kick to her. She's easily my most skittish, least social kitty, but she loves this here momma of hers. I'm the only person she likes and that she lets touch her, hold her, and all that jazz, and I love her so very much.

Every year on her birthday I share one of my favorite of her kitten photos, so here you go!

I also almost every year explain how that little lamb doll was Eddy's little buddy when she was a kitten. She kept dragging him into the litter box, though, and other terrible things were done to him, so he's now retired in the closet.

Happy Birthday, Eddy! I love you so much!


And now we have the last installment in the April A to Z Challenge.

Our alphabetical theme this month has been All Things Cat, for which I've shared doodles of items shaped like cats. Today is of course the letter Z. Honestly, I planned on scribbling up a zinnia, but I just wasn't in the mood to draw a flower. So, instead, Z stands for zany. Specifically, how about a zany hat for a zany holiday? After all, for those of us who love Halloween, today is the unofficial holiday known as Halfway to Halloween. Which is why, today, Z is this zany thing.

My lime green marker always comes out far more blinding on a computer screen than on the physical paper, so my apologies for the eye pain that background might cause you.

Tip of the Day
Are you ready for another spring safety tip for your furbabies? As certain insects and buggers start to make an appearance this time of year, be cautious of those that could be harmful. For example, just as with humans, bee stings can lead to allergic reactions in cats and dogs. These reactions can include mild swelling at the site of the sting, or a full anaphylactic reaction, such as with difficulty breathing. For this reason, always try to keep your furbaby away from bees and other similarly dangerous critters. Keep your furbaby out of gardens where bees and other such critters might frequent, and don't leave your kitty or pup unattended in an area known for its bees and so forth.

We'll also now remind you of some other critters that we not too long ago mentioned in another tip. So, don't forget that some caterpillars and butterflies, such as those that consume milkweed, can be toxic for furbabies to ingest. There are also dangerous spiders of which to be cautious, of course including the brown recluse and black widow. There are even some toads and frogs that can be poisonous for our furbabies to ingest.

All in all, this time of year, some incredible critters start to make appearances. However, some of these critters can lead to serious effects in our furbabies. This means we must always be cautious with our furbabies around any critters that we know are dangeorus, and even those with which we are not familiar. And, of course, should your furbaby come into contact with a dangerous insect or other critter, do not hesitate to seek veterinary assistance. What's more, discuss with your veterinarian what you can do to help prevent serious allergic reactions or other emergencies, which can include having diphenhydramine (Benadryl) on hand, and knowing how much to give.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Mancat Monday and the Letters X and Y

Hello, friends! We'll just going to blow past our yet another weekend absence and now late Monday post and get right to the April A to Z Challenge.

Our alphabetical theme is All Things Cat, for which we're sharing doodles of items shaped like, of course, cats. Over the weekend we missed the letter X. You know what x stands for? Not much, though it does stand of xylophone.

Now, today's letter is Y. I really struggled with this one, and it's actually my sister who came up with the idea for this final result, which is yarn.

Tomorrow is our last installment in the April A to Z Challenge, of course with the letter Z. We took some liberties with that one, so we're thinking no one will even begin to guess what we'll be sharing.


How about a bit of a Mancat Monday now? This weekend was a bit tough for my boy Evan.

Evan has megacolon, but lately the medications he takes for that have kept him mostly regular. That said, he had a recent flare of issues and ended up going an entire week without defecating. To help him with this bout of constipation, this weekend I had to add lactulose to his armory of medications. He's taken that before for past issues defecating, though it tends to make Evan's intestines go all the way to other end of the spectrum. As in, he usually ends up with diarrhea. I was desperate to help him defecate, though, so I gave it to him. It indeed helped him defecate, though he of course ended up with diarrhea, as has happened every time he takes even just one dose of lactulose. He did also pass some formed stool during all of this, which was good to see, but the diarrhea tends to linger for a couple of days.

Evan is feeling much better today, though he's still having occasional, small bouts of diarrhea. I've reduced his intestinal medications back to the usual drugs and dosages he takes. Hopefully those doses will go back to helping him defecate normally every day, or at least close to it. My poor boy is not having the easiest time lately, but he's a little trouper.

Happy Monday, friends!

Tip of the Day
As spring really gets underway, don't forget that our furbabies can have allergies just like we can. Just as with us, pollen, grass, and other airborne allergies can lead to itching, scratching, sneezing, and a number of other similar symptoms in our kitties and pups. If you notice any such symptoms in your furbaby, discuss this with your veterinarian. There are antihistamines and other treatments that can potentially help alleviate allergies for our furbabies.

In addition to veterinary and medicinal care, there are other considerations to make when it comes to helping a kitty or pup cope with seasonal allergies. For example, though we all love window whiffies, keep in mind that open windows can potentially exacerbate allergies, as the allergens then have easy access into the home. So, closed windows are often best for keeping the allergens down within the home. For furbabies who go outdoors, when they come inside, you can wipe off their paws and even wipe down their body to help remove allergens. Regularly cleaning floors, curtains, bedding, clothing, and so forth, can help keep a handle on allergens that might find their way into the home. Regularly changing the filter in your heating and cooling system is another important factor. In addition to this, an air purifier can also help.

As always, we of course want what's best for our furbabies. Allergies can lead to discomfort, so of course helping your furbaby cope with them is crucial. If you think or know that your furbaby has seasonal allergies, or any allergies at all, discuss this with your veterinarian and do all that you can to minimize their effects.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Friendly Fill-Ins, Eddy's Outtakes, and the Letter W

Hello and happy Friday, friends! We're ready for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, and we'd love for you to join us. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two fill-in statements, and I came up with the second two.

1. I find _________ offensive.

2. _________ is a good way to make some extra cash.

3. _________ makes me feel like I can accomplish anything.

4. I could see myself naming a cat or dog _________.

My answers are below in bold.

1. I find the smell of sauerkraut offensive.
(There are certainly things that I find offensive in far more serious manners, but this is what came to my mind. Sauerkraut is one of my least favorite smells in the world, and sometimes it actually makes me feel nauseous.)

2. Selling decluttered items is a good way to make some extra cash.
(I don't know how this works in all regions, but I'm in a decently sized town that's also a college town. Perhaps for those reasons, when I really get to decluttering, I can list some things on Facebook Marketplace or the like and actually make a bit of extra cash.)

3. Kickbutt music makes me feel like I can accomplish anything.
(Not that I actually can accomplish certain things, but music that's inspirational in that kickbutt sort of way really gets me hyped up. If I really need motivation to work out or get some chores done or even accomplish some of my artistic endeavors, sometimes I just need to put on my playlist that is called "Kickbutt", except the playlist's name is admittedly the less censored version of that word.)

4. I could see myself naming a cat or dog Orion.
(I have a longtime interest in astronomy, and Orion is my favorite constellation in the night sky. So, I've always wondered if some day I'll have a kitty or pup with that name. It could certainly happen.)

Now it's your turn!
To add your link to the Friendly Fill-Ins Linky list, just click HERE!
You can also click on the badge below to add your link.

You are also welcome to complete the fill-ins in the comments below,
or in the comments on Ellen's blog, 15andmeowing.


And now it's time for the Pet Photo Fails Blog Hop, hosted by none other than Melissa and Mudpie of Melissa's Mochas, Mysteries, & Meows.

As always, blooper queen Eddy is more than ready for this event. Today, her outtakes are much like all of the others she's shared. As in, here's an active and blurry Eddy for you.

Obviously, even when blurry Eddy is downright adorable. She knows you all agree with that. Right?


Last but not least, we have for you today's installment in the April A to Z Challenge.

Our theme is All Things Cat, for which I'm sharing doodles of items shaped like, of course, cats. Today we've reached the letter W, which stands for wall clock.

This doodle was originally supposed to be C for clock or T for time, but that didn't work out with other drawings I ended up having for those letters. So, it gets to be a wall clock.

Have a fantastic day, friends!

Tip of the Day

Our spring safety tip today involves those beloved window whiffies. As you all certainly know, before opening those windows, make sure that they have screens and that those screens are properly safe and secure. Check those window screens before allowing your kitty or pup access. If any weak spots or issues are noted, do not allow your furbaby access until the window is safe against escape by said furbaby.

Also keep in mind that it is possible for a window screen to seem secure, but for a furbaby to lean or push against it and thereby knock it loose. It's also possible for little claws to make weak spots in screens. For this reason, never leave your furbaby unattended with open windows. This way, no accidental falls or escapes from the window can occur. We're a broken record, so we'll again repeat that it's always better to be safe than sorry.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Thankful Thimble Thursday and the Letter V

It's another day of the April A to Z Challenge, this time with the letter V.

Our alphabetical theme is still of course All Things Cat, which means we're sharing doodles of random items shaped like cats. Today, for the letter V, we have for you a vinyl record.

We're going to ignore the fact that that record clearly wouldn't work on that turntable. Since it's shaped like a cat, it's an oversight I'm willing to make.


Now, Thimble is of course ready for Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

Thimble found out that Eddy will be sharing bloopers tomorrow, and so she wanted to participate in that as well. That's why, today, Thimble is grateful that she's adorable even in outtakes. Here, you can see that fact for yourself.

Though it might be blurry there in that last photo, Thimble would like to remind you all that you're free to tickle her little tummy. She loves a good belly rub.


Last but not least, let's share the fill-in statements for tomorrow's Friendly Fill-Ins challenge. My amazing co-host Ellen of 15andmeowing came up with the first two, and I came up with the second two.

1. I find _________ offensive.

2. _________ is a good way to make some extra cash.

3. _________ makes me feel like I can accomplish anything.

4. I could see myself naming a cat or dog _________.

We'll see you tomorrow, friends!

Tip of the Day

Today's spring safety tip is another one we've very recently mentioned, but that we'll repeat again. It is to always be aware and cautious of the potential dangers of various fertilizers, pesticides, and other such chemicals that are often used this time of the year. If you plan to use any such products, do your research and try to avoid using potentially toxic variations. No matter what kind you use, though, to be safe, keep any such products stashed safely away from your furbaby's reach.

But, this tip also goes beyond what you might be using in your own personal environment. For pups or kitties who go outdoors, you should take into consideration that unfamiliar yards, parks, and other such areas may use products that could have toxic effects if walked through, ingested, and so forth. When out and about with your furbaby, or even just yourself, try to avoid areas where you know or think any unsafe chemicals are used. When you arrive back at home after a walk or other excursion, wipe off paws and shoes, so that you can do your best to remove any traces of fertilizers, pesticides, or other chemicals. There is no such thing as being too careful when it comes to the health and safety of our furbabies, so do all that you can to keep your furbaby protected from potentially dangerous chemicals this time of year, and all year round.